Upload your count files and detect differentially expressed small RNAs, their RNA targets, and test for their functional enrichment.
Recent News
27/01/16:Oasis 2.0 is released.
The new Oasis release is out and it contains many exciting new features. Among other things,
Oasis supports novel model organisms and also allows for the detection of
miRNAs in any non-model organism. Novel predicted miRNAs are now saved in a Oasis'
small RNA database. Using the novel search page all small RNAs, including the novel
predicted ones, can be searched for and investigated. Furthermore, many diagnostic
plots and charts are now fully interactive and overall Oasis' runtime is considerably improved.
Enjoy the novel features of Oasis 2.0 and don't hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions or suggestions.
26/06/15:sRNA Detection module with novel advanced options.
You can now choose how many mismatches are allowed during the mapping
of the reads to the transcripts and genomes. In addition, Oasis allows now to set the minimum
or maximum length of potential small RNAs.
Oasis Compressor
Decrease the size of your fastq files to make data upload a 'piece of cake'.
Automate small RNA-seq analyses by using Oasis' advanced programming interface (API).